Preface -- Explanatory nores -- Executive summary: english, arabic, chinese, french, russian, spanish -- Levels of contraceptive use -- Contraceptive prevalence at the world level -- Contraceptive prevalence in Africa -- Contraceptive prevalence in Asia -- Contraceptice prevalence in Latin American and the Caribbean -- Contraceptive prevalence in the least development countries -- Contraceptive prevalence in Europe and Northern America -- Contraceptice prevalence in Oceania -- Trends in contraceptive use -- Global and regional trends -- Trends in contraceptive prevalence at the country level -- Specfic contraceptive methods used -- Prevalence of use of different contraceptive methods at the world level -- Prevalence of use of different contraceptive methods by major area and region -- Use of specific contraceptive methods -- Number of users of specific, ethods, by major area and region -- Future trends in contraceptive use -- Future trends in contraceptive prevalence -- Future trends in the number of married contraceptive users -- Future trends in the number of unmarried contraceptive users -- Dynamic of contraceptive use -- The nature of the data, their quality and availability -- Analytical methods -- Results -- Summary and conclusions -- Fertility, contraceptive use and population policies -- Global overview of current government views and policies on fertility and provifing access to contraceptive methods -- Five phases in the evolution of government policies -- Government policies in developing countries -- Government policies in developed countries -- Summary and conclusions -- Annex -- Tables -- Figures -- Annex tables
ISBN: 9211513995
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Naciones Unidas (Nueva York)
Levels and trends of contraceptive use as assessed in 2002 [M]. -- Nueva York : Naciones Unidas, 2004. -- Levels and trends of contraceptive use as assessed in 2002 / Naciones Unidas (Nueva York); 239
Preface -- Explanatory nores -- Executive summary: english, arabic, chinese, french, russian, spanish -- Levels of contraceptive use -- Contraceptive prevalence at the world level -- Contraceptive prevalence in Africa -- Contraceptive prevalence in Asia -- Contraceptice prevalence in Latin American and the Caribbean -- Contraceptive prevalence in the least development countries -- Contraceptive prevalence in Europe and Northern America -- Contraceptice prevalence in Oceania -- Trends in contraceptive use -- Global and regional trends -- Trends in contraceptive prevalence at the country level -- Specfic contraceptive methods used -- Prevalence of use of different contraceptive methods at the world level -- Prevalence of use of different contraceptive methods by major area and region -- Use of specific contraceptive methods -- Number of users of specific, ethods, by major area and region -- Future trends in contraceptive use -- Future trends in contraceptive prevalence -- Future trends in the number of married contraceptive users -- Future trends in the number of unmarried contraceptive users -- Dynamic of contraceptive use -- The nature of the data, their quality and availability -- Analytical methods -- Results -- Summary and conclusions -- Fertility, contraceptive use and population policies -- Global overview of current government views and policies on fertility and provifing access to contraceptive methods -- Five phases in the evolution of government policies -- Government policies in developing countries -- Government policies in developed countries -- Summary and conclusions -- Annex -- Tables -- Figures -- Annex tables
ISBN: 9211513995