Depto. de Documentación y Atención al Usuario
Dir. Gral. de Estadística y Censos GCBA
Catálogo Bibliográfico



Sampling methods for censuses and surveys

[M]. -- , . --

  The place of sampling in census work -- Requirements of a good sample -- The structure of various types of sample -- Practical problems arising in the planning of a survey -- problems arising in the execution and analysis of a survey -- Estimation of the population values -- Estimation of the sampling error -- Efficiency -- Further notes on the critical analysis of survey data -- Miscellaneous developments -- Electronic computers -- Appendix table -- Biliography -- Index
  ISBN: 0852640064

; 2. 

  (1) Inv.: 00007902 S.T.: 311.21/Yat31
1 Ejemplar
U. Info. Inventario S.T. / Ubicación
00007902 311.21/Yat31

Formulario para Solicitud de Material

Yates, Frank
Sampling methods for censuses and surveys [M]. -- London : Griffin & Company, 1971

The place of sampling in census work -- Requirements of a good sample -- The structure of various types of sample -- Practical problems arising in the planning of a survey -- problems arising in the execution and analysis of a survey -- Estimation of the population values -- Estimation of the sampling error -- Efficiency -- Further notes on the critical analysis of survey data -- Miscellaneous developments -- Electronic computers -- Appendix table -- Biliography -- Index
ISBN: 0852640064


(1) Inv.: 00007902 S.T.: 311.21/Yat31