Preface -- Explanatory notes -- Introduction -- World summary -- Population and social statistics -- Population and migration -- Gender -- Education -- Health -- Crime -- Economic activity -- National accounts -- Finance -- Labour market -- Price and production indices -- International merchandise trade -- Energy, environment and infrastructure -- Energy -- Environment -- Science and technology -- Communication -- International tourism and transport -- Development assistance -- Annexes
ISBN: 9789210583688
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Naciones Unidas (Nueva York)
Statistical yearbook 2016 edition [M]. -- Nueva York : Naciones Unidas, 2016
Preface -- Explanatory notes -- Introduction -- World summary -- Population and social statistics -- Population and migration -- Gender -- Education -- Health -- Crime -- Economic activity -- National accounts -- Finance -- Labour market -- Price and production indices -- International merchandise trade -- Energy, environment and infrastructure -- Energy -- Environment -- Science and technology -- Communication -- International tourism and transport -- Development assistance -- Annexes
ISBN: 9789210583688