Executive summary -- Maximizing the academic impacts of research -- What shapes the citing of academic publications? -- Variations in citations rates across disciplines -- Academic careers and the accumulation of citations -- Career trajectories and the development of capabilities and publications -- Knowing your strengths: using citation tracking systems -- How distinctive is your author name? -- Orthodox citation-tracking systems -- Internet-based citation-tracking systems -- Comparing conventional and internet citations tracking systems -- Key measures of academic influence -- Assessing how well an author is cited -- Assessing how far journals and books are cited -- Who cites a little or a lot: Hub and authority patterns -- Getting better cited -- Writing informative titles, abstracts and book blurbs -- The issues around self-citation -- Working with co-authors and research teams -- Maximizing research impacts beyond the academy -- The origins and patterning of external research impacts -- Types of scholarship within disciplines and external impacts -- The role of joined-up scholarship -- Understanding the impact interface -- How far do academics and researchers undertake activities likely to generate external impacts? -- Is there an impacts gap from academic work to external impacts?, how might it have arise?, how might it be reduced? -- Demand and supply mismatches -- Insufficient incentives problems -- Poor mutual understanding and communication -- Cultural mismatch problems -- Weak social networks and social capital -- Understanding how researchers achive external impacts -- Theoretical discussion -- Empirical evidence -- Credit claiming for research -- Understanding, tracking and comparing external impacts for organizations -- External impacts are rooted in collective `tacit knowledge` -- The time lags in achieving impacts -- Generating an evidence base about external impacts -- Comparing organizationsï and disciplinesï performance -- Managing impacts work-potential pitfalls -- Expanding external research impacts -- Developing an impacts file for individual academics -- Reappraising events programmes -- Building improved management of `customer relationshipsï -- A moving some version of all closed-web published research onto the open-web -- Improving professional communication: starting multi-author blogs -- Working better in networks -- Methodological annex: the PPG dataset -- Bibliography
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LSE Public Policy Group (London)
Maximizing the impacts of your research: a handbook for social scientists [M]. -- London : LSE Policy Public Group, [2011?]
Executive summary -- Maximizing the academic impacts of research -- What shapes the citing of academic publications? -- Variations in citations rates across disciplines -- Academic careers and the accumulation of citations -- Career trajectories and the development of capabilities and publications -- Knowing your strengths: using citation tracking systems -- How distinctive is your author name? -- Orthodox citation-tracking systems -- Internet-based citation-tracking systems -- Comparing conventional and internet citations tracking systems -- Key measures of academic influence -- Assessing how well an author is cited -- Assessing how far journals and books are cited -- Who cites a little or a lot: Hub and authority patterns -- Getting better cited -- Writing informative titles, abstracts and book blurbs -- The issues around self-citation -- Working with co-authors and research teams -- Maximizing research impacts beyond the academy -- The origins and patterning of external research impacts -- Types of scholarship within disciplines and external impacts -- The role of joined-up scholarship -- Understanding the impact interface -- How far do academics and researchers undertake activities likely to generate external impacts? -- Is there an impacts gap from academic work to external impacts?, how might it have arise?, how might it be reduced? -- Demand and supply mismatches -- Insufficient incentives problems -- Poor mutual understanding and communication -- Cultural mismatch problems -- Weak social networks and social capital -- Understanding how researchers achive external impacts -- Theoretical discussion -- Empirical evidence -- Credit claiming for research -- Understanding, tracking and comparing external impacts for organizations -- External impacts are rooted in collective `tacit knowledge` -- The time lags in achieving impacts -- Generating an evidence base about external impacts -- Comparing organizationsï and disciplinesï performance -- Managing impacts work-potential pitfalls -- Expanding external research impacts -- Developing an impacts file for individual academics -- Reappraising events programmes -- Building improved management of `customer relationshipsï -- A moving some version of all closed-web published research onto the open-web -- Improving professional communication: starting multi-author blogs -- Working better in networks -- Methodological annex: the PPG dataset -- Bibliography