Foreword / Lynch, Bridget -- Introduction / Whitbread, Jasmine; MacCormack, Charles F. -- Executive summary: key findings and recommendations -- Women helping women: a powerful force for health and survival -- Saving mothers and children in Bangladesh -- A midwife in every village in Indonesia -- Overcoming cultural barriers th health care in Pakistan -- Ethiopia puts female health workers in rural areas where they are needed most -- Decentralizing health care in Tanzania -- Fighting maternal mortality in Honduras -- Take action now to train more health workers and save mothers' and babies' lives -- Appendix: 11th Annual Mothers' Index ans country rankings -- Methodology and research notes -- Endnotes
ISBN: 188839322X
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Save de Children (Estados Unidos)
Women on the front line of health care : state of the world's mothers 2010 [M]. -- Connecticut : Save de Children, 2010
Foreword / Lynch, Bridget -- Introduction / Whitbread, Jasmine; MacCormack, Charles F. -- Executive summary: key findings and recommendations -- Women helping women: a powerful force for health and survival -- Saving mothers and children in Bangladesh -- A midwife in every village in Indonesia -- Overcoming cultural barriers th health care in Pakistan -- Ethiopia puts female health workers in rural areas where they are needed most -- Decentralizing health care in Tanzania -- Fighting maternal mortality in Honduras -- Take action now to train more health workers and save mothers' and babies' lives -- Appendix: 11th Annual Mothers' Index ans country rankings -- Methodology and research notes -- Endnotes
ISBN: 188839322X