A healthy, active city -- Introduction -- Purpose of this guide -- Building on other key publications -- Moving about: what should this be called? -- The healthy city approach -- Why is a plan needed for physical activity? -- Relationship to other planning processes in a healthy city -- A comprehensive approach to active living in the city -- A framework for creating a healthy, active city -- A three-stage planning process -- Who does what? -- Partners for active living -- Public sector -- Civil society -- Private sector -- Creating and implementing a physical activity plan -- Stage I: getting started -- Buid commitment -- Form a leadership group -- Create a vision -- Profile your city, neighbourhoods and target population group -- Consult with residents and stakeholders -- Identify opportunities and constraints -- Identify funds and resources -- Set goals and objetives -- Stage 2: preparing a plan -- Develop key interventions -- Set priorities for intervention options in the built environment -- Set priorities for intervention options in the social environment -- Set priorities for intervention options in specific settings -- Strengthen individual intentions -- Stage 3: implementing the plan and measuring success -- Stage implemention -- Evaluate your progress -- Share your results -- Review and update your plan -- Resources -- Tool 1: identifying potential partners for a physical activity task force or leadership group -- Tool 2: opportunities for physical activity: a community assessment tool -- Tool 3: a sample walkability audit -- Tool 4: How cycling-friendly is your city? -- Tool 5: How well are our schools doing? a sample report card for physical activity -- Tool 6: special events -- Tool 7: a checklist for identifying activities with which to proceed -- Learning from others: examples from cities in Europe -- Key sources for further information -- Web sities with multiple resources and links -- Selected publications -- References
ISBN: 9789289042918
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Edwards, Peggy
A Healthy city is an active city: a phsycal activity planning guide [M]. -- Copenhagem : WHO, 2008
A healthy, active city -- Introduction -- Purpose of this guide -- Building on other key publications -- Moving about: what should this be called? -- The healthy city approach -- Why is a plan needed for physical activity? -- Relationship to other planning processes in a healthy city -- A comprehensive approach to active living in the city -- A framework for creating a healthy, active city -- A three-stage planning process -- Who does what? -- Partners for active living -- Public sector -- Civil society -- Private sector -- Creating and implementing a physical activity plan -- Stage I: getting started -- Buid commitment -- Form a leadership group -- Create a vision -- Profile your city, neighbourhoods and target population group -- Consult with residents and stakeholders -- Identify opportunities and constraints -- Identify funds and resources -- Set goals and objetives -- Stage 2: preparing a plan -- Develop key interventions -- Set priorities for intervention options in the built environment -- Set priorities for intervention options in the social environment -- Set priorities for intervention options in specific settings -- Strengthen individual intentions -- Stage 3: implementing the plan and measuring success -- Stage implemention -- Evaluate your progress -- Share your results -- Review and update your plan -- Resources -- Tool 1: identifying potential partners for a physical activity task force or leadership group -- Tool 2: opportunities for physical activity: a community assessment tool -- Tool 3: a sample walkability audit -- Tool 4: How cycling-friendly is your city? -- Tool 5: How well are our schools doing? a sample report card for physical activity -- Tool 6: special events -- Tool 7: a checklist for identifying activities with which to proceed -- Learning from others: examples from cities in Europe -- Key sources for further information -- Web sities with multiple resources and links -- Selected publications -- References
ISBN: 9789289042918