Abstract -- The starting point -- The programme -- The long way -- The trial -- The Montreal conference -- The dataset - The derivation of performance indicators -- The next steps -- References -- Annex 1: global library statistics -- Annex 2: core performance indicators -- About the authors
ISBN: 0340-0352
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Ellis, Simon
Global library statistics
En: Global library statistics / Ellis, Simon. -- Vol. 35, no. 2
Abstract -- The starting point -- The programme -- The long way -- The trial -- The Montreal conference -- The dataset - The derivation of performance indicators -- The next steps -- References -- Annex 1: global library statistics -- Annex 2: core performance indicators -- About the authors
ISBN: 0340-0352
1. DOCUMENTACIÓN; 2. ESTADÍSTICA; 3. BIBLIOTECAS I. Heaney, Michael II. Meunier, Pierre III. Poll, Roswitha