The global statistics project: global library statistics for the twenty-first century -- Standardisation of library statistics -- The 2007 international library survey in Latin America and the Caribbean -- Experiencia en la búsqueda de datos estadísticos sobre bibliotecas de la República Argentina -- Trinidad and Tobago`s response to UNESCO`s survey on global statistics -- Benchmarking in the form of perfomance indicators and balanced scorecard -- Current trends in the collection and use of statistics in academic and public libraries in Africa -- Limits of the Global Statistics model and some examples of how results are used -- Librariesïcontribution to cultural development and literacy education -- Public libraries -- University libraries -- Conclusions -- Appendices
ISBN: 9783598220432
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Heaney, Michael
Library statistics : for the twenty-first century world [M]. -- Alemania : IFLA, 2009
The global statistics project: global library statistics for the twenty-first century -- Standardisation of library statistics -- The 2007 international library survey in Latin America and the Caribbean -- Experiencia en la búsqueda de datos estadísticos sobre bibliotecas de la República Argentina -- Trinidad and Tobago`s response to UNESCO`s survey on global statistics -- Benchmarking in the form of perfomance indicators and balanced scorecard -- Current trends in the collection and use of statistics in academic and public libraries in Africa -- Limits of the Global Statistics model and some examples of how results are used -- Librariesïcontribution to cultural development and literacy education -- Public libraries -- University libraries -- Conclusions -- Appendices
ISBN: 9783598220432