Preface -- Aknowledgements -- Overview -- End of the downturn -- Global trends: FDI flows resume growth -- Signs of recovery -- Overvall analysis -- The largest TNCs -- FDI performance and potential -- Policy development -- National policy changes -- International investment agreements -- Prospects: further FDI growth expected -- Regional trends: developing regions lead rise in FDI -- Introduction -- Developing countries -- Africa: FDI inflows remain bouyant, sustained by investments in primary production -- Asia and Oceania: inflows at a record high -- Latin America and the Caribbean: FDI inflows rebound -- South-East Europe and CIS: FDI rises for the fourth year in a row -- Treds: FDI inflows sharply up -- Policy developments: diversity in policy approaches -- Prospects: continuing growth -- Development countries: uneven performance -- Trends and developments: a turnaround in many countries -- Policy developments: diverging tendencies -- Prospects: positive overall -- R&D internationalization and development -- Introduction -- Innovation, R&D and development -- Innovation matters for all countries -- Global R&D trends -- R&D is geographically concentrated -- R&D by industry -- Capability needs and benefits differ across activities -- The innovation capability gap -- Measuring innovation capabilities -- The UNCTAD Innovation Capability Index -- Conclusion -- R&D by TNCS and developing countries -- TNCs are dominant R&D players -- R&D by TNCs is internationalizing -- A growing share of TNCs' R&D is performed abroad -- The growing role of foreign affiliates in host-country R&D -- Growing use of strategic alliances -- The emergence of developing economies as locations for TNCs' R&D -- TNCs are expanding R&D to developing locations -- Foreign affiliates in patenting by developing economies -- Features of R&D undertaken in developing, South-East European and CIS markets -- Industry composition of R&D by TNCs in developing countries -- Types of R&D -- Developing-country TNCs are also expanding R&D abroad -- Prospects -- Drivers and determinants -- What drives the internationalization of R&D? -- Host-country determinants of R&D location -- How to internationalize R&D -- R&Doutsourcing is growing -- Greenfield versus acquisitions -- Annex: the rise of chip design in Asia: a case study -- Pull factors -- Policy factors -- Push factors -- Enabling factors -- Development implications -- New development opportunities in the making -- Implications for host countries -- Effects on the structure and performance of an NIS -- Human resources implicaions -- Knowledge spillovers from R&D by TNCs -- Contributions to industrial upgrading -- Potential concerns related to R&D internationalization -- Implicatrions for home countries -- Improved overvall R&D efficiency -- Reverse technology transfer implications -- Market expansion implications -- Home country concerns -- Conclusions -- The role of national policies -- Coherent policies and institutions make for innovation -- Fostering human resources -- The role of research capabilities in the public sector -- Policies related to intellectual property -- Competition policy and innovation -- Promotion of R&D-relatred FDI -- The role of investment promotion agencies -- Performance requirements -- The use of R&D incentives is expanding -- Using science park as attractors -- Industry-specific policies to enhance the benefits of FDI in R&D -- The role of home countries -- Concluding remarks -- The international framework -- International investment agreements -- Entry and establishment -- Performance requirements -- Incentives -- Key personnel -- General protection of FDI in R&D -- Home-country measures and corporate social respinsibility -- International rules relating to IPRs -- International cooperation in R&D -- References -- Selected unctad publicaions on TNCs and FDI -- Questionnaire -- Boxes -- Figures -- Tables -- Box figures -- Box tables -- Annex A: additional text tables -- Annex B: statistical annex -- Annex tables
ISBN: 9211126673
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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
World investment report 2005 : transnational corporations and the internalization of R&D [M]. -- Nueva York; Geneva : United Nations, 2005
Preface -- Aknowledgements -- Overview -- End of the downturn -- Global trends: FDI flows resume growth -- Signs of recovery -- Overvall analysis -- The largest TNCs -- FDI performance and potential -- Policy development -- National policy changes -- International investment agreements -- Prospects: further FDI growth expected -- Regional trends: developing regions lead rise in FDI -- Introduction -- Developing countries -- Africa: FDI inflows remain bouyant, sustained by investments in primary production -- Asia and Oceania: inflows at a record high -- Latin America and the Caribbean: FDI inflows rebound -- South-East Europe and CIS: FDI rises for the fourth year in a row -- Treds: FDI inflows sharply up -- Policy developments: diversity in policy approaches -- Prospects: continuing growth -- Development countries: uneven performance -- Trends and developments: a turnaround in many countries -- Policy developments: diverging tendencies -- Prospects: positive overall -- R&D internationalization and development -- Introduction -- Innovation, R&D and development -- Innovation matters for all countries -- Global R&D trends -- R&D is geographically concentrated -- R&D by industry -- Capability needs and benefits differ across activities -- The innovation capability gap -- Measuring innovation capabilities -- The UNCTAD Innovation Capability Index -- Conclusion -- R&D by TNCS and developing countries -- TNCs are dominant R&D players -- R&D by TNCs is internationalizing -- A growing share of TNCs' R&D is performed abroad -- The growing role of foreign affiliates in host-country R&D -- Growing use of strategic alliances -- The emergence of developing economies as locations for TNCs' R&D -- TNCs are expanding R&D to developing locations -- Foreign affiliates in patenting by developing economies -- Features of R&D undertaken in developing, South-East European and CIS markets -- Industry composition of R&D by TNCs in developing countries -- Types of R&D -- Developing-country TNCs are also expanding R&D abroad -- Prospects -- Drivers and determinants -- What drives the internationalization of R&D? -- Host-country determinants of R&D location -- How to internationalize R&D -- R&Doutsourcing is growing -- Greenfield versus acquisitions -- Annex: the rise of chip design in Asia: a case study -- Pull factors -- Policy factors -- Push factors -- Enabling factors -- Development implications -- New development opportunities in the making -- Implications for host countries -- Effects on the structure and performance of an NIS -- Human resources implicaions -- Knowledge spillovers from R&D by TNCs -- Contributions to industrial upgrading -- Potential concerns related to R&D internationalization -- Implicatrions for home countries -- Improved overvall R&D efficiency -- Reverse technology transfer implications -- Market expansion implications -- Home country concerns -- Conclusions -- The role of national policies -- Coherent policies and institutions make for innovation -- Fostering human resources -- The role of research capabilities in the public sector -- Policies related to intellectual property -- Competition policy and innovation -- Promotion of R&D-relatred FDI -- The role of investment promotion agencies -- Performance requirements -- The use of R&D incentives is expanding -- Using science park as attractors -- Industry-specific policies to enhance the benefits of FDI in R&D -- The role of home countries -- Concluding remarks -- The international framework -- International investment agreements -- Entry and establishment -- Performance requirements -- Incentives -- Key personnel -- General protection of FDI in R&D -- Home-country measures and corporate social respinsibility -- International rules relating to IPRs -- International cooperation in R&D -- References -- Selected unctad publicaions on TNCs and FDI -- Questionnaire -- Boxes -- Figures -- Tables -- Box figures -- Box tables -- Annex A: additional text tables -- Annex B: statistical annex -- Annex tables
ISBN: 9211126673